Giving Users Control Over Their Time and Content on Instagram with Quiet Mode

Quiet Mode

We’re excited to launch Instagram’s “Quiet Mode,” a feature that helps users focus when necessary and is especially targeted at teens. Additionally, we’re introducing new features that will allow viewers to have greater control over what they see in sections like Explore, Search, and Reels. We’re also improving our parental supervision tools so that parents can talk to their teenagers about Instagram settings more easily.

Helping You Focus with Quiet Mode

Introducing ‘Quiet Mode’, a feature to help users concentrate and set boundaries with friends and followers. When enabled, notifications are paused, your profile shows an “In Quiet Mode” status, and automatic replies are sent to anyone who messages you.

Teens have requested additional strategies to concentrate at night, in class, and during study sessions. You can adjust “Quiet Mode” to suit your schedule, and you’ll receive a summary of any notifications you missed when you disable it. This function is available to everyone, but if teens are using Instagram late at night, we’ll advise them to turn it on.

New Ways to Control Content Recommendations

We’re giving users more control over the content they see with new features that let you specify what you don’t want recommended.

Now, you can hide multiple posts in Explore at once that you don’t find interesting. When you mark a post as “Not interested” in Explore, we’ll try to avoid showing similar content in other areas like Reels and Search.

Quiet Mode

Additionally, we’re expanding the option to filter out content that contains specific words. Just like you can hide comments and direct messages with certain words, you can now apply this to recommended posts across Instagram. Add any words, emojis, or hashtags you want to avoid, and we’ll do our best to filter out related content. You can find this in the Suggested Content section under Settings.

Enhancing Teen Experiences with Improved Parental Supervision Tools

Alongside giving teens more ways to manage their Instagram time, we’re enhancing tools for parents to stay connected with their teens’ Instagram activity and settings through the Family Center.

We’ve added features that allow parents to see their teen’s privacy and account settings. If a teen makes a change, parents will get a notification so they can discuss it. Parents can also now see which accounts their teen has blocked.

To learn more about conversation prompts and the available supervision tools, including setting time limits, scheduling breaks, and receiving reports, visit the Family Center.

These changes demonstrate our continued dedication to providing users with more individualized control over their Instagram experience, assisting them in time management, and guaranteeing a more secure and pleasurable atmosphere.

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